Master student/Master thesis Microfluidic / Lab-on-a-Chip (m/f/x)


Datum: vor 3 Wochen
Stadt: Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg
Vertragsart: Ganztags
Vision to Products

Welcome to Hahn-Schickard: The research center for innovative microsystems technology. With a team of over 300 employees, we transform ideas into cross-industry solutions - from conception to production at four locations in Baden-Württemberg. At our Freiburg site, the emphasis is on developing analytical solutions in microsystems technology, particularly for point-of-care diagnostics.

For our Microfluidic Platforms division, we are looking for an immediate hire at our location: Freiburg im Breisgau

Master student/Master thesis Microfluidic / Lab-on-a-Chip (m/f/x)

Your Tasks

  • The goal of this project is to evaluate and study the sample partitioning process, with a particular focus on the roles of capillary and centrifugal forces, as well as the geometry of the microstructured cavities in the microfluidic cartridge.
  • Evaluation and characterization of the fluidic behavior in microstructured cavities
  • Optimization of the design of microstructured cavities
  • Layout and simulation of microfluidic cartridges
  • Laboratory experiments and testing of the fluidic functionality of the microfluidic cartridges

Your profile

  • Currently a master student in a STEM field, such as Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, or related disciplines
  • Basic knowledge of fluidic dynamics, particular-ly microfluidics.
  • Experience with CAD software (e.g., Solid-Works) is advantageous
  • Basic laboratory experience and the ability to follow experimental protocols
  • Curiosity to learn and creativity
  • Good communication skills in English

Our offer to you

  • Flexible working hours
  • Option for a final thesis
  • Excellent support
  • A young and dynamic team
  • An attractive workplace in a modern, excellently equipped research institute that is close to industry
  • Participation in first-class health programmes such as Hansefit
  • Subsidy for meals
  • Subsidies for public transport

Your Application

Mr. Yu-Kai Lai at [email protected] will be pleased to answer any question you may have.

If you are interested, please send us your complete application documents (motivation letter/resume+CV/certificates/transcript of records), stating the reference number 24/3200/44 in a complete PDF document and naming the job portal here online via the application form.

The decision is made directly by the division.

Wie bewerben

Um sich für diesen Job zu bewerben, müssen Sie sich auf unserer Website autorisiert. Wenn Sie noch kein Konto haben, registrieren Sie sich bitte.

Lebenslauf veröffentlichen

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